Country Profil Of Indonesia :
- The indonesian archipelego consists of more then 17,000 island, located between the indian ocean and the pacific ocean
- Indonesia is the fifth most populous countrty in the world with 94% lives in 5 islands os major ecnomic i.e. jsva, sumatera, sulawesi, bali and kalimantan, out of the total populatioan, 60% live in java, 20% in sumatera, 15% in eastrn indonesia ( sulawesi / kalimantan ), and 5% in onther areas
- Indonesia has very rich natural reseources of natural gas, crude oil, various minerals and mining products, as well plantation crops.
At Dinamika Logistics we understand your individual shipping needs.We have the ability to adapt our capabilities to provide fast,reliable service throughout West & Mid Indonesia,let our experienced team design a program with right solution for your company
- Competitive FCL Rate To Domestic Destination As like : Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Sumatra and Papua.
- Door To Door Service
- Inland Distribution To All Indonesia Seaport
- Courier Services By Air Freight To All Indonesia Airport